Illustrations of how to measure length of pull, drop to comb, drop to heel, and cast may be found at Shotgun Combo Gauge. A simple measuring tape can be used to determine length of pull. An easy way to measure drop is to place the gun, rib down, on a table top with the bead just off the edge of the table. Then, use a plastic ruler placed on the table top to measure drop at comb (the front of the stock) and drop at heel (the end of the stock).
The standard measurements for pre-1913 L. C. Smith shotguns were 1 3/4 inch drop at comb and 3 inch drop at heel. By the 1920s, these dimensions had changed to 1 5/8 inch drop at comb and 2 3/4 inch drop at heel. After the Single Sighting Plane Rib became standard in 1941 (except on the Long Range Wild Fowl) the standard stock dimensions were 14” X 1 5/8” X 2 5/8”.
All stocks do not have these dimensions because the Hunter Arms Company would make stocks to order. The company used different order forms for shotguns ordered with the Hunter One-Trigger and those ordered with two triggers.
COPYRIGHT L.C. Smith Collectors
Association 2015 Updated 02/18/2015